Tag Archives: national smile month

10 top reasons to smile

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  1. 1. Smiling makes us attractive   There is a huge attraction factor to those who smile, we are drawn to them! Frowns and unhappy people push people away, so keep smiling.
  2. 2. Smiling relieves stress  When we are stressed it really shows up in our faces. Smiling can help us! When you’re stressed try your best to keep smiling and you will defiantly see a change in how you feel. It prevents you from looking tired, run down or upset. It makes other people think you are happy and you will feel a lot happier in yourself.
  3. 3. Smiling changes our mood  Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There’s a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.
  4. 4. Smiling is contagious  When someone is smiling; straight away they lighten up the room and make things more positive. If someone is smiling and seems a really happy person, it will make you want to smile as well. It changes the moods of others as a smiling person brings happiness with them. Make sure you smile lots and you will draw people too you!
  5. 5. Smiling boosts your immune system  When you smile you are more relaxed so your immune function can improve. Smile and you could prevent certain virus like cold and flu.
  6. 6. Smiling lowers your blood pressure  See if you notice a difference? Sit down at home and take a reading of your blood pressure. Spend the day smiling and measure your blood pressure after. You should see a reduction in your blood pressure, give it a try!
  7. 7. Smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin  Smiling is a natural drug, it releases endorphins, natural pain killers and serotonin and together these make us feel a lot better in our selves.
  8. 8. Smiling lifts the face and makes you look younger  No one needs to go for the expense of a face lift, just smile! Smiling will use muscles to lift your face and make you feel and look younger.
  9. 9. Smiling makes you seem successful  Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.
  10. 10. Smiling helps you stay positive Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It’s hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that “Life is good!” Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.

National Smile Month – Local schools brush up on their knowledge on the importance of good oral hygiene!

The UK’s largest and longest running oral health campaign is on its way. National smile month takes place between May 18th and June 18th and is the perfect opportunity to educate the local community on how important Oral Health is. It’s a time for as many people as   possible to get involved in this jam packed, fun month where hundreds of events and activities will take place.
Here at St Michaels Orthodontics we think it is very important for everyone to have a good understanding on how important good oral health is, especially young children! We feel if children learn young then hopefully in the future there will be a lower percentage of adults with dental problems. Two members of staff here at St Michaels, Katie and Kate, make regular visits to local schools and present a talk on oral hygiene, braces and ourselves at St Michaels Orthodontics. Recently they have visited 3 different classes, one at Flushdyke Junior and Infant School and two at Towngate School. They came back with such great feedback on how much the children and teachers learnt from the talk! They were amazed how much they learnt, two minutes of brushing is actually a very long time! Also who’d of thought flavored water contained so much sugar? The children and teachers won’t be drinking that as much anymore! The children loved getting involved and learning about how the brush their teeth properly, what to use, what’s good and what’s bad for your teeth and the consequences if good oral hygiene doesn’t take place.
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There are so many ways of getting yourself, your team and your friends involved. Why not select a few people and do a sponsored leg wax or create an eye catching display full of posters and information. Why not do a smileathron? Here at St Michaels Orthodontics we love taking as many pictures (selfies) as we can with the national smile month smilies. It’s a fun and easy way of taking part. You could even get your hands dirty and get all creative baking some tasty little treats to sell and raise money. Last year the staff at St Michaels did a full week of baking and raised a great amount of money for this event. Our therapist Katie and her nurse Kate also set up a cart at our local shopping centre handing out leaflets, toothpaste samples, balloons and pens as well as stopping shoppers walking past and having a quick chat about the importance of good Oral Health. There’s so much to do so there’s no excuse to not take part!   bun pj buns Continue reading

National Smile Month @ St Michaels Orthodontics Ltd

Well where do I start! Here at St Michaels Orthodontics Ltd in Wakefield we enjoy nothing more than getting involved in events such as National Smile Month. It’s a great way to get the message about oral health out to the public, raise money for good causes and for the team to have some fun in the meantime. This year is no different; we kick off NSM with our ‘Bake a smile’ week. We will be selling cakes and goodies on reception from Monday 19th May to Friday 23rd May. Any money raised will be donated to Operation Smile who do wonderful work across the globe providing safe, effective reconstructive surgery for children born with facial deformities such as cleft lip and cleft palate.

We are also holding an Invisalign open evening to allow anyone wanting more information to come along, meet our team of experts and have a free consultation with Catherine McCanny, our Platinum Invisalign provider. In addition we will be offering discounts on treatment and free whitening after Invisalign treatment to make that smile even more perfect!

Our Orthodontic Therapist Katie and her nurse Kate have arranged a stall in our local city centre on Saturday 31st May, where they will be promoting National Smile Month by giving out free merchandise and information on oral health and orthodontics.

On Friday 6th June the walking boots will go back on and the team will be doing an 8 mile hike in Knaresborough to raise money for the Yorkshire Air Ambulance.

And finally …. after an event packed NSM the team will be ready for some rest, so to chill out it will be strictly PJ’s only to wear for work on Tuesday 10th June!!