So your on your way to a new smile! Follow these 6 essential steps to ensure that you maintain excellent oral hygiene. Plaque left on tooth surfaces can cause irreversible damage called decalcification. These white ‘chalky marks’ are not caused by the brace but by ineffective tooth brushing during treatment.



  • 3-4 times a day – Tooth brushing is very important! Brush on a morning, an evening (before bed) and after every meal. This means you will have to clean your teeth during school/work hours. Make sure you brush all your tooth surfaces and get in and around the brackets efficiently. Don’t forget to brush your gums!
  • Brush for at least 2 minutes each time



  • There are two types of brushes you will need to clean your teeth thoroughly. The first is and orthodontic toothbrush – It has a ‘V’ shape, designed to go around the brackets. The second one is called an interdental brush
  • This is essential to clean between the brackets and under the wire
  • The places your toothbrush can’t reach.
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months to ensure your teeth are getting the best clean.

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  • Use fluoride toothpaste, it doesn’t matter which one as long as it contains fluoride. Use a pea sized amount on your toothbrush.


  • A fluoride mouthwash is recommended to keep the enamel of the teeth strong when the fixed appliance is in place. This should be used every night at a different time to brushing.
  • Hold it in the mouth for a fill minute and ‘swish’ around for it to reach all areas of your mouth.
  • This is NOT a substitute for tooth brushing!


  • It might seem like you can’t floss whilst your braces are on, but you can. You can get special flossing products for when you’re wearing your orthodontic appliance
  • These include interdental brushes and floss threaders. You can do this at least once a day.


  • If you or your orthodontist feels like you aren’t brushing your teeth correctly these are perfect for showing you the places that you have missed.
  • Simply chew the tablet and ‘swish’ it round your mouth for a few seconds and it will colour the areas of your teeth and gums that you have missed. You can then brush away the areas that you haven’t reached. Do this a 1-2 times a week to keep you on top of your brushing and keep your teeth and gums healthy.
  • Remember to put Vaseline on your lips to avoid dying your lips a bright colour!

By following these 6 simple rules you can ensure a wonderful new smile.